Advent 2021

We can get caught up in the run-up to Christmas as we focus our hearts on the birth of Jesus but He is whom we should look to all year round.  Just like a puppy, Jesus is not just for Christmas, on the 26th of December, He'll still be here.

We all obviously know that in theory, but he wants us to know it with everything we have.

2000 years after the first Christmas took place, he's still here. Here in every moment of our every day. Here in our working. Here in our resting. Here in our silence. Here in our celebrations. Here when we're in a crowd. Here when we're alone.

Always, un-waveringly, here. Counsellor

God with us, with no exceptions.

So, who is Jesus? Who is the one who came and never left? Who is he for us, here in 2021? Who is he for people, even as you're watching/reading this?

That's the question we will be jumping into every week of this advent season, with the help of Isaiah 9:

'For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.'

  • Wonderful Counsellor.

    Who doesn’t need Jesus to take up this role in their lives? Seriously?

    Jesus became a man and dwelt with us. He moved into the neighbourhood. He pitched his tent right next to ours.

    God could have accomplished everything he needed to in one moment- but instead, Jesus moved in, and he stayed close.

    Why? Because he’s our wonderful counsellor. The book of Hebrews tells us that we ‘do not have a high priest who is unable to feel sympathy for our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are…’ (Heb. 4:15).

     He embraced the messiness of a chaotic world so that he could restore it from the inside out. He’s your Wonderful Counsellor because his presence is a place where you are seen, heard, and understood. There is no safer place to be weak and weary than in the company of Jesus. We have a saviour who gets us.

    The author jumped onto the page so that you could know him.

    Learn more and enjoy our video below!

  • Mighty God.

    When we picture the might of God, we probably don’t picture him lying in a donkey’s feeding trough, waiting for his mum to feed him. Relying on his dad to watch over him.

    Jesus was cradled when he cried. He was rocked to sleep. He was taught to walk and talk. And He is all the mightier for it.

    He, who saw humanity created, became the very thing He helped to design.

    He, who watched over every inch of the universe, made his home in a rural fragment of it.

    He, who existed beyond time, lived His life to the rhythm of days and weeks.

    Maybe it’s time we re-thought our definition of what is mighty.

    Find out how and enjoy our video below!

  • Everlasting Father.

    ‘The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.’ (John 5:19).

    And what does Jesus see the Father doing?

    Day in and day out. He sees his Father relentlessly loving us, fighting for us, covering us in his care and adoration. He sees him working things together for the good of those who love him. He sees the Father fathering his children.

    Jesus puts a face to the Father’s love. He came to show us just how much we belong. He came to bring us into a family like no other.

    Click through to the video to see how!

  • Prince of Peace

    The peace that Jesus is the prince of, is far more than the absence of trouble or strife in our lives. It’s richer and deeper than that. The Hebrew word for the kind of peace that Jesus offers is Shalom, which literally translates to mean many pieces brought into wholeness.

    So, picture a brick wall- multiple bricks, but not one gap. It is whole.

    That’s Shalom.

    So, now picture your life. Every piece of it- your work, your family, your routines, your home, your friends, your responsibilities, your health, your places of enjoyment, your holidays, your Tuesdays. All of it, every piece. Jesus is the Prince of bringing all of that into wholeness.

    In his presence, we are made whole. Because of Christmas, we can experience peace that is beyond our understanding.

    Click the button below to see our final video in this Advent series.