Getting involved
Find out how to get plugged in and what it looks like to be part of our community.
Regular gatherings
As we grow as a community we will grow our Sunday services and gatherings. Currently, we meet as a whole community twice a month on the first and third Sundays of the month.
We vary the types of things that we do such as going to the beach, hosting a BBQ, taking a walk and blessing the community. We love families and everything we do is suitable for kids of all ages. These gatherings are a great place to bring friends to and a perfect opportunity to get to know one another. Head over to our events page to find out what the next Sunday gathering looks like. We look forward to seeing you there.
putting down roots for generations to come
Services are great, but we have even more to offer our young people. We are launching our very own all singing, all dancing group for 4-8 year old’s. There will be wrap around provision for 0-3s and 9-11s, so everyone will get to meet with Jesus on an age-appropriate level.
And as we grow, the more we plan to offer to cover all age groups. Watch this space for exciting new developments.
More than just Sundays
Meeting up as a bigger group is great but WE LOVE SMALL GROUPS!
It is in our small groups that we develop meaningful relationships with Jesus and others at our own pace. They meet more often and are more varied. These groups create safe spaces for people to; explore and grow in faith, build trust, be open and vulnerable, develop friendships and do life with one another. It is in these authentic communities we are transformed to become more like Jesus. You can sign up for a small group on our small groups page.