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Beach Clean - Freshwater West

It's Week 1 so we are going litter picking!!

After all the fun of last month’s litter pick around the skatepark in Haverfordwest, we are doing it again! This time we are hitting the sands of arguably the best beach in Pembrokeshire (*opens a can of worms*), the mighty FRESHWATER WEST!!

We are going to clean that mother up! With the recent storms, winds and high tides there should be a fair bit of flotsam and jetsam above the high water mark.

We will blitz the beach and after come back for a brew and hangout as we enjoy the view. Some intrepid folk may even venture into the sea for a dip? Who knows?

All we know is, is that we'd love to see you on Sunday and join us as we bless a very beautiful part of Pembs.

Sign up so we know who's coming and how many 100's of bin bags we'll need!

February 13

Worship and Prayer evening

March 20

Sunday Gathering - March